Russian Federation
The proposed work explores a range of issues that help to comprehend the phenomenon of ideology in order to understand what ideology is, whether Russia needs ideology, why Russia needs ideology, what kind of ideology Russia needs, what needs to be done in order for Russia to have the ideology it needs, and what can make the ideology Russia needs as effective as possible. As a method, a holistic-system approach is used, which makes it possible to identify the relationships and patterns of ideological parameters. Ideology is understood in an anthropological sense as a type of information management: it is the rationalization of an irrational motive, it is a belief disguised as evidence in order to present one's beliefs as true. The structure of ideology, a multifaceted narrative, is proposed to be considered as the interaction of three levels: " pictures of the world" , " matrices" , " technologies" . The logic of confrontation between the ideologies of the West and Russia is traced. A position is put forward on social mobilization as a way to achieve victory in the war of civilizations. The practical conclusion of the article is that Russia has all the necessary capabilities to create an effective and victorious ideology.
ideology, type of information management, "picture of the world", "matrix", personacentrism, individualcentrism, social mobilization
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