Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article focuses on the study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of education quality management at a technical university, based on fundamental research and key ideas of scientists; theories of vocational, engineering and technical education; conceptual provisions, principles of assessment activities, approaches and research methods; the conceptual-categorical apparatus is clarified. Aim. To identify and generalize the theoretical and methodological foundations of education quality management at a technical university, to find its niche, basis and «foundation». Methods. Analysis of philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature, scientific sources; state and regulatory documents on the research problem; analysis of the main concepts of this work. Results. The scientific foundations for creating an education quality management system at a technical university have been developed based on integrative assessment and monitoring of student professional development using digital resources, which ensures continuous correlation of this information with the requirements for a graduate specified in the Federal State Educational Standard and the OPOP (for a specific training profile), and adjustment taking into account these indicators of didactic conditions for the professional and personal development of students. Scientific novelty. Based on a generalization of the experience of fundamental research and key ideas of scientists in the field of pedagogy, sociology, psychology, philosophy a conceptual position is formulated on which the mechanism for managing the quality of education at a technical university is based. The practical significance of the research results is determined by the fact that in the practice of managing the quality of education, it becomes possible to evaluate the professional development of students on an integrative basis, predict changes in the development of students, and plan specific management decisions within the framework of this system.

methodology, professional education, quality management, integrative assessment, student development, university

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