from 01.01.2022 to 01.01.2023
Krasnodar, Russian Federation
The article reveals some features of teaching analytical chemistry as one of the main subjects for training future pharmacists. It is shown that the course of analytical chemistry forms the basic practical skills necessary in subsequent professional activity. The difficulties of teaching analytical chemistry associated with time constraints and a large volume of material that is submitted for consideration at the lecture are noted. This requires a very clear structure and sequence from the teacher, as well as multimedia accompaniment, which contributes to a better perception of the material presented and its assimilation. It is necessary that each practical lesson be provided with methodological recommendations, materials for preparing for a practical lesson, tests for knowledge control, situational tasks, as well as methodological recommendations for independent work of students. Special attention is paid to the importance of solving computational problems, which is an integral part of the practical lesson. This allows you to better understand the basic methods and techniques of chemical analysis, as well as acquire comprehensive chemical knowledge necessary for the successful study of professional disciplines. Assimilation of knowledge in analytical chemistry is a necessary step in preparing students for the conscious perception of specialized disciplines – pharmaceutical chemistry, technology, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, toxicological chemistry.
analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical education, pharmacopoeial methods of analysis, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, instrumental analysis, computational tasks
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