Modelling the growth of secondary cowberry pine forest of different densities in Murmansk region
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In aiming to improve the standards and increase the accuracy of forest taxation works, modeling of the growth of pine stands in the cowberry type of forest in the zone of tundra forests of the Murmansk region was carried out. In the process of modeling the course of growth, methods of analytical alignment of taxation indicators and analysis of enumerative taxation materials were used. Trial areas were used to study the course of growth. In 2023, repeated recounts were carried out on permanent test areas in the Murmansk Region, laid down in 1962 and repeated recounts in 1967 and 1972. V.F. Tsvetkov research is taken into account, one of the founders of tundra forestry, on the division into types of formation of cranberry pine forests by density into moderately dense and overgrown. The values of empirical coefficients of the equation of stand height or diameter from age in overdrained and moderately dense lingonberry pine forests, characterising high closeness of relationship (R2 =0,86-0,97) the relationship between the signs is statistically significant (p < 0.05). The stands under study are significantly influenced by natural conditions at the extreme limit of growth, which primarily affects the dynamics of growth in height. The materials are grouped and aligned, according to the results of processing, dynamic series of taxational indicators of stands are obtained, which are presented in the form of equations. The obtained height values indicate that modal pine stands in the cowberry type of forest grow according to IV-V classes of bonitet.

cowberry pine forest, Pinus sylvestris L., modelling, growth process, tundra forests
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