Russian Federation
Russian Federation
This article discusses the use of FOMO syndrome in the marketing strategy of the Perm company "Raklanova Brand". As part of the study, a universal methodology for using FOMO tools in enterprise marketing was developed, and a formalized survey was conducted. Based on the data obtained, practical recommendations for the implementation of FOMO strategies in the company's 45 marketing activities were formulated, a checklist and suggestions for improving some aspects were created.
FOMO; FOMO-tools; FOMO-principles; marketing; consumer behavior
1. FoMO — FearofMissingOut: opredelenie konstrukcii, teoreticheskie obosnovaniya i obzor literatury [Elektronnyy resurs]// URL:
2. FOMO-marketing: 10 effektivnyh tehnik ispol'zovaniya sindroma upuschennoy vygody [Elektronnyy resurs] // URL:
3. Sindrom upuschennoy vygody (FOMO) v marketinge [Elektronnyy resurs] // URL:
4. FOMO- sindrom upuschennoy vygody-v marketinge i zhizni. [Elektronnyy resurs] // URL:
5. Raklanova Brand - Internet-magazin odezhdy. [Elektronnyy resurs] // URL: