Russian Federation
UDK 37.018 Основные формы воспитания и обучения
UDK 37.018.26 Взаимоотношения родителей и школы. Воспитание родителей школой. Родительские собрания. Родительские организации
The article proposes for discussion the current problem of home education for primary schoolchildren, considers the reasons for choosing and ways to implement this form of education, and notes the risks that arise. Options for the possible integration of professional and family pedagogy, the organization of interaction between parents and school teachers to increase the efficiency of students’ mastery of general education programs in primary schools, as well as their successful socialization, are described. Attention is paid to home education of children with disabilities, children with special status, as well as the practice of distance learning, tested during the pandemic.
younger schoolchildren; family education; family pedagogy; integration; the role of the teacher; features of learning at home
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