Vladimir, Vladimir, Russian Federation
Vladimir, Vladimir, Russian Federation
Vladimir, Vladimir, Russian Federation
UDK 630 Лесное хозяйство. Лесоводство
The wood of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), which has been partially charred due to a forest fire, exhibits sufficiently high physical and mechanical properties to be used as a structural material. This wood can be incorporated into the middle sections of glued wooden beams. In order to optimize the strength and flexibility of the beam structure, we conducted a multifactor experiment to determine the optimum variable factors: 1) the location of wood selection based on the height of the tree trunk; 2) the ratio of the cross-sectional area of fire-damaged wood to the total cross-section area of the glued beam; 3) the thickness of the laminae used based on the results of this experiment. Developed a regression equation: ∆Q = 38.7366 – 0.0277 N – 0.0389 T – 0.1283 P – 0.00009 NT, where ∆Q is the difference in load-carrying capacity, N is the number of tests, T is the thickness of laminae, and P is the percentage of fire-damaged wood. The resulting equation is deemed adequate based on the Fisher criterion Fp = 0.033 at a 5% significance level. The condition Fp < Ft is met, indicating that the maximum bearing capacity for glued wooden beams incorporating lamellas from thermally damaged wood is P. sylvestris is produced with an average wood density of 471.6 kg/m³ taken from the bottom of the trunk. The ratio of wood damaged by fire in the cross-section area to the overall cross-sectional area of the glueless beam is 24%, and the lamella thickness is 33 mm. The ratio of wood damaged by fire has the most significant impact on the bearing capacity of the beam structure, followed by lamella thickness, and finally wood density, which depends on the location of wood collection along the trunk height.
fire impact of wood, wooden beams, forest fires, experimental planning, multifactorial experiment, glued wood structures (GWS), Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris L.
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