Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article raises the issue of formal description of narrative text coherence. Coherence, as one of the essential characteristics of discourse, requires a formal description. The study proposed to solve this problem for narrative texts using situation modelling. It is defined a set of principles allowed to construct the coherent textual group, such as optimality, motivation, stability, declared variability. Based on these principles, it was determined a set of maxims of the narrative text coherence. It is shown that a sufficient condition of coherence of narrative text is inclusion of all expressed situations in one whole, provided that the presented information is consistent. As a proof of the conclusions the analysis of the case is given: a model of situational markup and a procedure of consolidating situations into a single whole. The proposed method can be used to analyze any large narrative texts

narrative, coherence, textuality, situation, situational semantics, formalization
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