Ryazan', Russian Federation
The article discusses the application of a practice-oriented approach to the training of cadets studying in the specialty 56.05.01 Logistics in educational organizations of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. The requirements for the training of specialists in the rear services of the penal enforcement system are given. As an example of practice-oriented training, a methodology for organizing laboratory work in physics is proposed. The structure of the academic discipline and the specifics of its implementation in an educational organization are described. The concept of laboratory work, general issues of the organization of laboratory work and methods of their implementation are considered. The description of the methodological support of laboratory classes, the device of the applied laboratory layout, as well as the measuring equipment used is given. The stages of laboratory work, the order of assembly of the experimental installation by students, layouts of tables for entering empirical and calculated data, as well as the preparation of a report on laboratory work are described.
practice-oriented approach, laboratory work, physics, penal enforcement system
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