Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Department of Economics and Industrial Production Management, Associate Professor)
Russian Federation
The article examines the Agile methodology, presents its advantages and disadvantages. A new way of interaction between project work participants at the enterprise is proposed. This approach to organizing project work takes into account new challenges of digital transformation and digital solutions aimed at implementing tasks in order to optimize the use of enterprise resources. The considered methodology of project management in the context of digital transformation of the enterprise includes the overall organization of work, effective interaction of participants, the formation of cross-functional working groups in the development of digital transformation projects, the implementation of the digital transformation strategy, and the development of digital culture. The proposed approach made it possible to form a theoretical and methodological basis for understanding the need to create and use cross-functional working groups in the implementation of digital transformation projects.
cross-functional working groups, digital transformation projects, company, project management, digital transformation
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