Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
It is noted that the key figures in the mentoring process in medicine are those employees of specialized organizations or educational institutions who are highly qualified and are responsible for the professional adaptation of doctors and researchers; They train mentees both in groups and mostly individually. According to the results of a questionnaire survey of students at the Central Research Institute of Physiotherapy, it turned out that mentors provide professional counseling to residents, graduate students and students of additional vocational training, and residents speaking in the focus group agreed that the training of medical personnel here is carried out at a high level due to well-organized mentoring. Within its framework, it is ensured that feedback is established with students both directly within the educational structures of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Chronology, and indirectly through telecommunications with the regions.Mentors of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Chronology demonstrate increasing productivity of educational activities, improve the clinical practice of residents, including work in hospitals; in graduate school they identify new topics and even new directions for scientific research; In additional education, established training cycles are modified and new ones are introduced.
mentoring, residency, continuing education system, dentistry, maxillofacial surgery, graduate school, survey, focus group
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