The article considers the possibility of implementing the educational function of Russian language lessons. The ways of achieving the requirements set forth in the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education of 2021 concerning the initial understanding of the diversity of languages and cultures in the territory of the Russian Federation, of language as one of the main spiritual and moral values of the people are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to students’ awareness of the importance of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, understanding its role as the language of interethnic communication. The conditions for achieving personal learning outcomes set forth in the Federal Work Program for the Subject “Russian Language” of 2023 are revealed. Various tasks are proposed that allow realizing the subject’s potential for spiritual, moral and civic-patriotic education of primary schoolchildren.
Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education; Federal Educational Program of Primary General Education; academic subject “Russian language”; primary schoolchildren; personal results; civic-patriotic and spiritual-moral education; value of scientific knowledge; educational potential
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