Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The author addresses the problem of organizing professional training of foreign students in Russian universities. The aim of the article is to consider the specific features of the educational process in the Master's program with students from China (on the example of the training direction "Music Education"). It is noted that the success of mastering the educational program is conditioned by socialization, socio-psychological adaptation and involvement of foreign students in a new cultural and educational environment.Attention is focused on the organizational and content aspects of Master's degree education of students from China, related to the study of music-performing, musictheoretical and methodological disciplines. The conditions aimed at overcoming difficulties in the process of professional training of students from China are substantiated (adaptation of teaching material, use of adapted teaching aids, detailing of each type of educational (including research) task on the basis of providing students with detailed instructions and samples for their performance).

international activity, students from China, sociocultural adaptation, cultural and educational environment, professional training, music education
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