Kaliningrad, Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
The inclusion model is one of the most promising strategies in world pedagogy as it provides students with equal access to knowledge, taking into account the diversity of their educational and communication needs and abilities. Special concepts that arise in the process of inclusive educational communication are fixed in terms whose scope of meaning may not coincide in the educational systems of different countries, which causes translation difficulties and, ultimately, hinders the effectiveness of international cooperation in this area. In addition, the relevance of the study lies in the current shortage of modern bilingual English-Russian terminological dictionaries in the field of inclusive education. The aim of the study is to analyze the translation strategies of existing terms of inclusive education and to translate new terminological units from English into Russian. The research methods include pre-translation semantic analysis of terms and their classification based on formation, regularity and conceptual content. As a result of the work, a critical analysis of the existing English-Russian dictionary in the field of inclusive education is presented, techniques and strategies for translating terms are summarized, and the translation of new English terms into Russian is proposed. The conclusion is drawn about the urgent need to streamline the terminology of inclusive education in English and Russian. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that due to the absence of studies devoted to the translation of the terminology of inclusive education from English into Russian, it is attempted to give a critical assessment of the current inclusive terminology in bilingual communication and to replenish the glossary with new translated versions. The practical significance lies in active use of new terminological units in translation when implementing international communication in the field of inclusive education, as well as in lexicographic practice when editing existing terminological dictionaries or compiling new ones.
inclusive education, communication, terminology, terminoid, translation
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