Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (Department of Socio-Cultural Design and Development of Territories, Professor)
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The relevance of the presented research is that in those geopolitical and economic conditions in which Russia finds itself today, interconnected strategic goals of import substitution, technological sovereignty and technological leadership have naturally emerged. Solving the problems associated with achieving the said strategic goals, closely linked with increasing the competitive advantages of domestically produced products, requires analysis from these positions, assessment and development of methods and models for making appropriate strategic management decisions in the interests of increasing the efficiency of their use. The aim of this study is to develop approaches to making management decisions in economic systems based on the PIMS integrated business analysis model. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the development of a model description of the PIMS approach, where it is proposed to additionally introduce a database of forecast scenarios of market development to the existing PIMS databases (characteristics of the business environment, competitive strength, supply chain compliance, dynamics of change and factors of economic success), allowing to assess the impact of the market strategy of a business unit on profit not only on the basis of current assessments and retrospective analysis, but by forecasting the future economic prospects of strategic business units under various probable scenarios of market development. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in expanding the information capabilities for managers of strategic business units on decision-making issues not only in terms of analyzing the reasons for comparative market successes and failures in the development of the managed system against the background of similar competing strategic business units in the current period, but also in forecasting the strategic development prospects of the managed business unit depending on the expected scenarios of strategic market development.
management decision making, economic systems, PIMS integrated business analysis model
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