Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the historical development of strategic management, tracing its evolution since 500 AD. Strategic management originated as a management function focused on achieving longterm goals and implementing actions aimed at enhancing the competitive advantages of individuals or organizations. The article emphasizes the importance of strategic management in ensuring the sustainability and power of organizations in a competitive environment. The historical roots of strategic management can be traced back to ancient times, when military and political leaders used long-term plans and strategies to achieve their goals. An example is Sun Tzu with his famous treatise “The Art of War”, which is considered as one of the first theoretical works on strategic management. His ideas about planning, analyzing and adapting to changing conditions remain relevant today. Modern strategic management tools allow organizations not only to formulate long-term goals, but also to effectively implement them, ensuring sustainable development and growth.

evolution of strategic management, planning, strategy, development, improvement, innovation
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