Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
In the context of the digital transformation of modern society, the study of the problem of introducing artificial intelligence into all spheres of life, including the sphere of economics and finance, is extremely relevant. The purpose of this article is an attempt to analyze the readiness of future economists in the school-university system to use artificial intelligence in the context of developing digital financial literacy. The authors studied the nature of the influence of artificial intelligence on the formation of basic competencies necessary in the era of digitalization of economic education, through the prism of the views of the younger generation. The importance of various aspects of the digital transformation of society, which are in the focus of attention of global cooperation organizations (UNESCO, World Bank, etc.) in the interests of sustainable development, is noted. Using Google-Forms tools, a sociological survey was conducted among students of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Omsk branch) and students of specialized economic classes at Gymnasium 19 in the city of Omsk on the topic “The attitude of future economists to the use of artificial intelligence in the banking sector.” The results of the analysis of the obtained empirical data made it possible to state the complex and ambiguous nature of the influence of artificial intelligence on the young generation of future economists in the conditions of total digitalization. Along with the positive attitude of young people towards the prospects for the introduction of artificial intelligence, the risks of a decrease in natural intelligence against the backdrop of digitalization reaching all spheres of life have been identified. This, in turn, requires the formation of value guidelines and the development of a strategy for the continuous development of future economists in the digital society in the context of the active implementation of artificial intelligence.
sustainable development, economic education, school, university, digitalization, digital financial literacy, artificial intelligence, sociological survey
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