Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The formation of strategic priorities of the state regional policy for the development of old-industrial regions is complicated by the multiplicity of its actors and the need to coordinate spatial and sectoral priorities of regulatory impact. The article presents a methodological approach to coordinating the priorities of spatial and sectoral development of old industrial regions in the format of a scheme reflecting the logic and sequence of actions aimed at achieving strategic goals of regional development in accordance with the strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation. The methodological approach was tested on the example of the Saratov region, one of the old industrial regions of Russia with growth potential within the framework of the industrial development model. The necessity of using two approaches in the coordination process is justified: the first should be used to achieve the strategic priorities of the federal Center in a coordinated manner, on the one hand, and the old industrial regions and enterprises and organizations of the "industrial core", on the other (coordination "vertically"); the second — in order to coordinate the regional priorities of spatial and sectoral development of the old industrial region (horizontal alignment). Proposals are presented for the formation of a list of agreed priorities for the spatial and sectoral development of the Saratov region, the implementation of which will contribute to the transformation of the region into a point of growth of the national economy of Russia.

old industrial region, state regional policy, strategic planning, coordination of priorities, sectoral and spatial development
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