from 01.01.2006 to 01.01.2022
Moskva, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
To store the results of scientific activity of university teachers, it is necessary to organize their accounting with subsequent prompt and convenient data acquisition. The article discusses the experience of developing and subsequent practical use of the application for accounting and processing scientific papers at the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics. It is noted that the shortcomings of existing software developments in the field of creating bibliographic databases, in particular, the redundancy of information entry parameters, the lack of Russian localization led to the need to create and implement the developed program in the practice of the department. The author and a team of employees, with the involvement of young specialists, carried out work to study the opinion of the teaching staff regarding the possibilities of future development. The article presents the main features of the application, its architecture, a description of the user's actions when entering information into the system, the results of the search for the work of employees, and also shows the final reports generated over a certain time interval. The developed application made it possible to simplify the procedure for storing scientific papers of employees of the University department and, after a short adaptation, can be used in departments with similar goals and objectives.
Scientific papers, bibliographic database, search query, department, report, scientific publication, database
1. Afonin S.A. Intellectual system of thematic research of scientific and technical information (TRUTH) / S.A. Afonin et al. Ed. Academician V.A. Sadovnichy. – M.: Moscow University Press, 2014. – 262 p.
2. Blinkov, Yu. A. Document-oriented storage and processing of scientific publications / Yu. A. Blinkov, I. A. Pankratov // Mathematical modeling, computer and field experiment in natural sciences. - 2018. – No. 4. – pp. 28-36.; EDN:
3. Vlasova S.A., Kalenov N.E. Information system "Scientific works of employees of academic institutions" // In the collection: Scientific service on the Internet proceedings of the XXII All-Russian Scientific Conference. IPM named after M.V. Keldysh. 2020. pp. 152-165.; ; EDN:
4. Volkov, A. I. Database "Publications of teachers of the department" / A. I. Volkov, L. A. Vorobeychikov, G. K. Sosnovikov // Methodological issues of teaching infocommunications in higher education. – 2021. – vol. 10, No. 1. – pp. 31-39.; EDN:
5. Borisova O. A. Problems in teaching the discipline "Engineering and computer graphics" in modern conditions at the university: proceedings of the conference. // Topical issues of the humanities and social sciences: from theory to practice: proceedings of the III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International the plot. (Cheboksary, November 16, 2023) / editorial board: J. V. Murzina [et al.] – Cheboksary: Publishing house "Wednesday", 2023. – pp. 129-133.; DOI:; EDN:
6. Karavaev, N. L. Automation of work with bibliographic information as part of the research activities of students / N. L. Karavaev // Bulletin of humanitarian education. - 2017. – Vol 2. – pp. 17-20.; EDN:
7. IFTT publications database. URL: (accessed 01 August 2024).
8. Publications of the staff of the USU. URL: / (accessed 30 August 2024).
9. Publications of the MIAN staff. URL: (accessed 30 August 2024)
10. THE TRUTH (user's guide). URL: (accessed 09 September 2024)