Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
UDK 620 Испытания материалов. Товароведение. Силовые станции. Общая энергетика
BBK 344 Общее машиностроение. Машиноведение
The paper provides an overview of the technologies and methods used to develop contact electric connectors. It is shown that modern research is aimed at developing a surface layer of a contact electric connector with specified performance properties. When developing coatings for electric contact connectors, such things as coating materials, application technologies, and surface quality are kept in mind. A large number of studies confirm the thesis that it is necessary to continue research in this direction, with the possibility of improving the characteristics of electric contacts. It is found out that it is necessary to continue the study by improving coating technologies to ensure a given contact current density and a higher friction factor, which provides a greater number of cycles for detachable contact connectors. It is possible to increase the friction factor by increasing the actual contact area of the joint by technologically changing the modes of applying the substrate to the connector, which will provide a smoother contact surface of the connector.
contact, area, technology, treatment, hardening, mechanical engineering
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