Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of this study is to improve the math skills of preschool children (5-7 years old) with visual impairment. In this context, it is expected that the target behavior of children with visual impairment will be changed through the creation of a specialized educational space that promotes the formation of mathematical abilities, arithmetic skills, creativity, ability to plan and organize their activities. The research group consists of 48 preschool children (5-7 years old) with visual impairments. The study was conducted in the fall of the 2023-2024 school year. During the study, the preschoolers received eight weeks of training to improve math skills. The study found that numeracy and math skills in preschool children with visual impairments had a positive effect on cognitive development, fine motor skills, and motivation to learn.

preschool children, calculation skills, children with visual impairments
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