Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
An integral component of the learning process is knowledge acquisition control, which can have a significant impact on the psycho-emotional state of students and, as a result, on the effectiveness of their learning activities. In this regard, the ability of students to recognize and regulate their psycho-emotional state is of key importance. The purpose of the study was to identify the features of the mental properties and psycho-emotional state of students in the learning process. The objectives of the study were to analyze the dynamics of the psycho-emotional state of students in educational activities, to determine the impact of the knowledge acquisition control situation on the psycho-emotional state of students, to develop practical recommendations for developing students' ability to recognize and regulate their psycho-emotional state. The main research methods were psychological testing, observation and analysis. The study reveals the features of mental properties and dynamics of students' psychoemotional condition by gender component and in different periods of learning activity. It has been established that the situation of control of knowledge assimilation has a significant impact on students' psychoemotional condition, causing an increase in anxiety and stress. Practical recommendations for the development of students' skills of awareness and regulation of their psychoemotional condition are given.
psychoemotional condition, learning activity, knowledge control, anxiety, stress, regulation of psychoemotional condition
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