Russian Federation
Russian Federation
In the article, the authors consider the problems associated with the state and functioning of small educational institutions located in the Arctic zone of Russia, which are due to the specific climatic and national cultural characteristics of this territory. The authors note that the high rates of socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of Russia require the improvement of the educational system of the studied region. The analysis of educational organizations is carried out in the following areas: material and technical condition, equipment of subject rooms and educational spaces, staffing, completeness of classes and levels of implemented education. The presented statistical data (in the form of diagrams and tables) not only visualize the content of the article, but also focus on problem areas in the development of small schools in the region. Based on the results obtained, the causes were identified and proposals were formulated to solve the identified problems.
l school, Arctic zone, nomadic school, Arctic school, teaching staff of small schools, small peoples of Russia, «Children of the Arctic», «Points of growth»
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