from 01.01.2021 to 01.01.2023
Russian Federation
The speed of change in social and political-legal reality determines the need to timely and qualitatively update the legal regulation of banking organizations, through which all the country's funds are redistributed. In order to optimize the process of law-making, legal scholars are engaged in the study of factors that are the starting point for the formation of a certain interest and the gradual formulation of a generally binding rule of conduct for participants in legal relations. The main lawforming factor of prudential banking regulation is "banking risks". Banking risks are the basis for the application of economic (financial) standards. The ability to carry out risk management and supervision of risk management systems is the basis for the implementation of prudential banking regulation. The current state of development of society requires improvement of the law-making process by giving it a more consistent and logically verified character.
prudential banking regulation; legal factors; lawmaking; banking risks; prudential regulation; mandatory ratios
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