Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article begins by stating that the coronavirus pandemic has significantly accelerated the pace of digitalization in all spheres of society. The article notes the multifaceted nature of the digitalization process. The concept of digitalization is considered and its various scientific definitions are given. The importance of digitalization in modern society is noted. The quantitative growth of information on the Internet and its total volume located in it are demonstrated. The concept of digital devices as the main means of implementing the digitalization of society is revealed and the history of their development is briefly described. The main stages of the development of the Internet and its prototypes are covered. The existing scientific definitions of the concept of digitalization of criminal policy are critically rethought. The factors that can interfere with the administration of criminal justice in a digital way are listed. The main stages of digitalization of criminal justice are discussed, which will help make this process the safest and most effective. The principles of digitalization of criminal policy are formulated and revealed. The article ends with several important conclusions that are proposed to be taken into account by theorists and practitioners in the field of criminal law.
digitalization, criminal policy, modern Russia, criminal law, computing technology, computer, criminal law
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