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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the phenomenon of scientific academic discourse. A nomenclature of discourse typological characteristics is analysed. The concept of scientific academic discourse is defined as a specialized type of institutional discourse. In our research we consider the scientific academic discourse as an integrative concept combining the features of scientific and academic types of discourse due to the interpenetration and intersection of their components. Cognitive and communicative aspects of scientific discourse are examined specific attributes of scientific texts such as harmony, consistency, objectivity and others are determined. The article focuses on the analysis of scientific discourse genre varieties. The authors describe the specifics of functioning of a research paper and a scientific report as main genres of scientific academic discourse, reveal their peculiarities in realizing English language oral and written discourse. From the theoretical and practical points of view both a research aper and a scientific report represent oral/ written communication aimed at scientific informing. The scientific polylexemic templates suggested in the article prove to be useful in academic writing.

scientific academic discourse, scientific discourse genre varieties, research paper genre, scientific report genre, polylexemic templates
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