The influence of stabilizing additives on the modulus of elasticity and deformation of the soil mixture of the pavement base during the transport development of the forest resource base in the south of the Republic of Karelia
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Abstract (English):
The production and technological possibility of reducing the consumption of cement and soil modifier while maintaining compliance with the modulus of elasticity and deformation with regulatory values is an urgent task in road construction, especially on unstable, weak soils. In the area of development of the timber resource base of the Olonetsky district of the Republic of Karelia, the effect of cement additives of no more than 2% by weight and a modifier on the modulus of elasticity and modulus of deformation of the soil of the roadbed was studied, taking into account the normative indicators of stabilized soil mixtures for road construction. To obtain quantitative estimates, the author's experimental technique was used, characterized in that the modulus of elasticity is determined at the inflection point of the ascending branch of the stress–relative deformation graph using the condition of equality of the second derivative to zero. The values of elastic modulus (165±24 MPa) mean plus minus standard deviation (p < 0.05) and deformation (16±3 MPa) mean plus minus standard deviation (p < 0.05) were obtained, which exceed the recommended values specified in ODM 218.3.076-2016 and GOST 25100-2020. An additional study of the physical and mechanical properties of local soils for road construction according to the considered methodology allows us to obtain a technical and economic effect (from 1 to 8%, depending on local soil and climatic conditions) (figures) by optimizing the consumption of cement and a soil modifier for the roadbed. In the future, at the design stage, other characteristics specified in ODM 218.3.076-2016 should be taken into account, which also require experimental refinement taking into account the characteristics of local soils. For example, the capillary water saturation of the soil of the roadbed of a logging highway should not exceed 6%.

modulus of elasticity, modulus of deformation, roadbed, stabilizing additives, logging road
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