90-th anniversary of the birthday of Vitaly Ivanovich Kharchevnikov
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The main potential of such a huge and significant work for science and practice was the athletic nature: while still at school, Vitaly Ivanovich entered the fencing section at the children's sports school in 1948. He began his successful career in this sport, competing on three types of weapons: rapier, saber and bayonet. In 1958, V.I. Kharchevnikov fulfilled the norm of the Master of Sports of the USSR and became the third athlete to receive this honorary title in the Voronezh region. The experience of a teacher was useful to Vitaly Ivanovich, because his fate took a sharp turn. Due to a number of circumstances, I had to part with big sports. This is how the stage of Vitaly Ivanovich's life dedicated to sports ended, and a new one began – he was invited to work at the Voronezh Forestry Institute. Since 1965, V.I. Kharchevnikov has been seriously engaged in science, namely, research on the possibility of creating a new structural corrosion–resistant composite material – fiberglass polymer concrete based on furfurolacetone oligomer (resin) FAM (SVPB) obtained from the waste of the forest complex. Over the 30 years of work of V.I. Kharchevnikov and his school, several types of new composite materials have been created. For many years, Vitaly Ivanovich contributed to the formation and development of engineering education at the Voronezh Forestry Institute, Voronezh State Forestry Academy, and currently his students, who defended their dissertations under the guidance of Vitaly Ivanovich, continue this research work: PhD theses were defended by V.S. Bobrin, L.N. Stadnik, O.P. Pluzhnykova, S.Y. Zobov, Y.N. Bukhonov, T.N. Storodubtseva, E.A. Chernikov, and B.A. Bondarev and T.N. Storodubtseva defended their doctoral dissertations.

Kharchevnikov V.I., athlete, scientist, teacher, head of the department
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4. Harchevnikov V. I., Bondarev B. A., Pluzhnikova O. P., Favaz I. Drevesnosteklovoloknistyy polimerbeton – novyy kompozicionnyy material dlya zheleznodorozhnyh shpal // VIII Mezhdunarodnyy kongress po polimernym materialam, Ostend, Bel'giya, 3-5 iyulya 1995. – 24 s.

5. Kharchevnikov V. I., Bondarev B. A., Belyaev A. V., Podgorny V. M. An outlook on application of glass-reinforced plastic and polymer concrete components in bridge construction // Kongress po polimernym kompozicionnym materialam. – Honolulu, 2001.

6. Harchevnikov V. I., Bondarev B. A. Konstrukcionnye materialy dlya shpal lesovoznyh i obschego naznacheniya zheleznyh dorog : monografiya / pod red. V. I. Harchevnikova. – Lipeck: LGTU, 1996. – 256 s.

7. Bondarev B. A., Harchevnikov V. I., Storodubceva T. N., Komarov P. V. Dolgovechnost' kompozicionnyh materialov na osnove othodov drevesiny v konstrukciyah special'nogo naznacheniya : monografiya / pod red. V. I. Harchevnikova; FGBOU VPO "Lip.gos. tehni. un-t". – Lipeck : LGTU, 2007. – 200 s.

8. Kondraschenko V. I., Harchevnikov V. I., Storodubceva T. N., Bondarev B. A. Drevesnosteklovoloknistye kompozicionnye shpaly. – Moskva, 2009. – 311 s.

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10. Harchevnikov V. I. K voprosu ob optimal'nom sostave steklopolimerbetona // Izv. vuzov. Stroitel'stvo i arhitektura. – 1970. – № 5. – S. 108-111.

11. Harchevnikov V. I., Storodubceva T. N. Ocenka dolgovechnosti drevesnosteklovoloknistogo kompozicionnogo materiala (DSVKM) po rezul'tatam ispytaniy na polzuchest' // Vychislitel'naya mehanika deformiruemogo tverdogo tela: trudy mezhdunarod. nauch.-tehn. konf. v 2 t. – M. : MIIT, 2006. – S. 417-420.

12. Harchevnikov V. I., Stadnik L. N., Pluzhnikova O. P., Zobov S. Yu., Storodubceva T. N. Steklovoloknistye polimerbetony iz drevesnyh othodov // Lesnaya promyshlennost'. – 1993. – № 3. – S. 19.

13. Storodubceva T. N., Harchevnikov V. I., Tomilin A. I., Baturin K. V. Primenenie gidrofobiziruyuschih i modificiruyuschih sostavov dlya propitki drevesnogo armiruyuschego zapolnitelya // Lesotehnicheskiy zhurnal. – 2012. – № 2 (6). – S. 36-46.

14. Storodubceva T. N., Harchevnikov V. I., Storodubcev S. A., Potataev S. V., Obrezanov R. N., Fedyanina N. V. Ispol'zovanie othodov neftehimii v zheleznodorozhnyh shpalah // Lesotehnicheskiy zhurnal. – 2011. – № 1 (1). – S. 103-106.

15. Harchevnikov V. I., Nikulin S. S., Bondarev B. A., Storodubceva T. N., Ryl'kov A. A. Sostav dlya kompozicionnogo materiala // Patent № 2098375 RF, MKI S 04 V 26/12. – № 951116620; zayavl. 06.07.95; opubl. 10.12.97. – Byul. № 34 – 7 s.

16. Harchevnikov V. I., Maksimov V. V., Polinskiy M. I. Sloistyy himstoykiy material // A. s. 892942 SSSR, MKI S 08 L 67/06, V 32 V 27/36. – № 2895400/23-05; zayavl. 19.03.80. – 8 s.

17. Harchevnikov V. I., Storodubceva T. N., Repyakov Yu.A. Sostav dlya kompozicionnogo materiala // Patent № 2215705 RF, MKI S 04 V 26/12. – № 2001110516; zayavl. 17.04.2001; opubl. 20.11.2003. – Byul. № 31. – 9 s.

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