Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Natural and process wear of 2TE116 train contactors is analyzed. The causes of process wear are considered. A number of observations are carried out in various locomotive service depots in order to determine the impact of maintenance and routine repairs on the wear of the contact surfaces of train contactors. The ratio values of anode wear to cathode wear of contactors are determined, which range from 0.3 to 2.6 with an average value of about 0.8. A method for determining natural and process wear is presented, which is based on changes in the weight of contacts during operation and repair. It is found out that the average process wear of the contact pair of the train contactor for one TO-3 is 8.8 mg, the average total wear for all technical services in the range from the first TR-1 to the second TR-1 for 2TE116 diesel locomotive is 316.8 mg, the average process wear for TR-1 is 84.2 mg. It is also found out that in the complete wear of train contactors, natural wear is 22...67% with an average value of 38% of the process one. To assess the effectiveness of clearing contacts with a personal file during TO-3 and TR, studies of the heating temperature of contacts after repair are conducted, which indicate that systematic clearing of power contacts of train contactors is undesirable, since it significantly reduces their service life.

diesel locomotive, train contactor, maintenance, repair, wear

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