Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the prospects of digital transformation of the higher economic education system. The purpose of the study is to monitor the digital literacy of economic university students in the context of the integration of digital technologies into the modern economy. The authors pointed out the need to increase the understanding of the features of the economy of free earnings (gig economy) from the perspective of the career prospects of future economists. In the course of the study, an online survey of students of the economics faculties of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and Omsk State Technical University was conducted. It was aimed at studying the change in the level of digital literacy of students of 1-4 courses in the light of new trends in the labor market. There were 241 respondents. The obtained theoretical and empirical evidence highlighted the need to introduce new educational resources and technologies into the higher education process in accordance with the complex requirements of the labor market and society.

higher economic education; students, monitoring, digital literacy, gig economy, freelance, digital platforms, artificial intelligence, online survey

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