from 01.01.1949 until now
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The path of social regulation is shown, where social regulators replace each other, while maintaining continuity. This is associated with economic transformation, depending on which four stages in the development of society can be distinguished: pre-agrarian, agrarian, industrial and information society. The system of social regulators is ramified, there are twelve of them in total. Only basic social norms are subject to detailed analysis, i.e. those that regulate vital social relations (management or power relations, property and deviations): customs (in primitive society), religious norms (in agrarian society), legal norms (in industrial society), moral norms (in information society). This sequence is not accidental: it is determined by the evolution of human consciousness and precisely corresponds to its stages. Having fulfilled its role as the main means of regulation, one or another basic social regulator transfers this function to another, more suitable to the changed social conditions. Previously emerging social norms do not disappear, but rather recede into the background and play a secondary role in regulating the life of society.
pre-agrarian society; agrarian society; industrial society; information society; human brain; social norms; customs; religious norms; norms of law; norms of morality; mythological consciousness; religious consciousness; legal consciousness; moral consciousness
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