Russian Federation
The article describes the content of the educational and methodological manual "Introduction to the profession of an elementary school teacher", intended for students preparing to become elementary school teachers.
teacher, teacher requirements, teacher training
1. Zemlyanskaya E. N. Pedagogika nachal'nogo obrazovaniya. – M.: Yurayt, - 2020. – 247 s. EDN:
2. Zemlyanskaya E.N., Chechetkin Yu. V. Rabochaya programma discipliny «Obrazovatel'naya sreda nachal'noy shkoly». – M.: MPGU, 2022.
3. Chechetkin Yu. V. Vvedenie v professiyu: oznakomitel'naya uchebnaya praktika studentov 1 kursa fakul'teta nachal'nogo obrazovaniya. – M.: MPGU, 2022. – 48 s. DOI:; EDN: