Russian Federation
The works of any artist of words reflect the author’s image, his personality. Personality qualities are especially clearly visible in the letters of the addressee. In this article, based on the epistolary heritage of I. S. Nikitin, the main qualities of the poet's personality are characterized, the factors that influenced the formation and development of his personality are analyzed. The idea of the author's personal qualities, his ideals and values contributes to a deeper insight into the essence of the work, a more accurate interpretation of his intention.
I. S. Nikitin, epistolary heritage, personality, self-education, self-education, self-improvement, diligence, spirituality, inner man, reading, nature, theological seminary, N.I. Vto-rov circle
1. Nekrasov N.A. Sobr. soch.: V 8 t. T.7 / N.A.Nekrasov. M.: Hudozh. l-ra, 1967. – 487 s.
2. Nikitin I.S. Nikitin I.S. Sochineniya / I.S.Nikitin. – M.: Gos. izd-vo hud. lit-ry, 1955. – 342 s.
3. Pis'ma I. S. Nikitina / Vstup. st., publikaciya i kommen. G.P.Chereshnevoy // Literaturovedcheskiy zhurnal. 2012. №30. S. 221-235.; EDN:
4. Rozanov V.V. Sobr. soch. Kogda nachal'stvo ushlo… / V.V.Rozanov. M.: Respublika, 1997. – 671 s.
5. Rozanov V.V. Sobr. soch. Russkaya gosudarstvennost' i obschestvo (Stat'i 1906-1907 gg.) / V.V.Rozanov. M.: Respublika, 2003. – 527 s.
6. Ushinskiy K.D. Sobr. soch.: V 11 t. T.2 / K.D.Ushinskiy. M.-L.: APN RSFSR, 1948. – 655 s.