Russian Federation
“Dostoevsky's Pushkin Speech,” read in 1880, provoked a violent reaction in the Russian cultural community. The most notable of the polemics were the discussions between Fyodor Dostoevsky and Alexander Gradovsky, a professor at St. Petersburg University. F.M. Dostoevsky and A.D. Gradovsky had a number of in-depth conversations about religion and politics in Russia, as well as its history. Not only that, they also put forward their own vision of the future of humanity. Dostoevsky and Gradovsky began by examining the Patriotic War of 1812 and its great significance for the building of the Russian nation-state. The Russian thinkers then explored the serfdom reform of 1861 and its important impact on Russian society. Finally, Fyodor Mikhailovich and Alexander Dmitrievich discussed a fundamental issue — the question of Russian-European relations.
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky; Alexander Dmitrievich Gradovsky; “Pushkin's Speech”; history of Russia; future of humanity
1. Gradovskiy A. D. Mechty i deystvitel'nost' (Po povodu rechi F.M. Dostoevskogo) // Gradovskiy A. D. Poln. sobr. soch. V 9 t. T. 6. SPb., 1901. S 375-383.
2. Dostoevskiy F. M. Dnevnik pisatelya za 1880 god (avgust) // Dostoevskiy F. M. Poln. sobr. Soch. V 30 t. T. 26. L., 1984. S. 129-174.
3. Evlampiev I. I. Filosofiya cheloveka v tvorchestve F. Dostoevskogo (ot rannih proizvedeniy k «Brat'yam Karamazovym»). SPb.: Izd. RHGA, 2012. 585 s.
4. Evlampiev I. I. Obraz Iisusa Hrista v filosofskom mirovozzrenii F.M. Dostoevskogo. SPb.: Izd-vo RHGA, 2021. — 600 s.
5. Rubinshteyn N. L. Russkaya istoriografiya. SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGU, 2008. — 938 s.
6. Mironov B. N. Social'naya istoriya Rossii perioda imperii (XVIII - nachalo XX v.): V 2 t. — 2-e izd., ispr. SPb.: Izd-vo «Dmitriy Bulanin». 548 + 568 s., 87 + 55 il.
7. Turgenev I. S. Rudin // Turgenev I. S. Poln. sobr. Soch. V 30 t. T. 5. M., 1980. S. 198-322.
8. Dostoevskiy F. M. Idiot // Dostoevskiy F. M. Poln. sobr. soch. V 30 t. T. 8. L., 1973. — 510 s.
9. Dostoevskiy F. M. Besy // Dostoevskiy F. M. Poln. sobr. soch. V 30 t. T. 10. L., 1974. — 516 s.
10. Trubeckoy E. N. Mirosozercanie V. S. Solov'eva. V 2 t. M.: Medium, 1995. Tom I – 606 s.; Tom II — 624 s.
11. Dostoevskiy F. M. Podrostok // Dostoevskiy F. M. Poln. sobr. Soch. V 30 t. T. 13. L., 1975. — 455 s.
12. Dostoevskiy F. M. Prestuplenie i nakazanie // Dostoevskiy F. M. Poln. sobr. soch. V 30 t. T. 6. L., 1973. — 422 s.