Russian Federation
A brief theoretical analysis of general understanding of the mechanism of "hate speech" and the concept of "ethnophaulism" have been presented. Ethnophaulism is considered as a tool for inciting ethnic intolerance. The material for the study was the comments of readers of the online publication RIA News (RIA Novosti). The collected factual material has been observed within the framework of two classifications on different grounds. A quantitative analysis of the dependence of the c use of ethnophaulisms by site population on the information flow is proposed. The relevance of the study is due to the occurrence of new means of speech aggression and the changes in existing ones, including those that contribute to inciting communicative conflicts of an interpersonal and group nature in the Internet environment. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt is being made to study the use of ethnophaulisms in the context of a special military operation based on the material of a single news source RIA News (RIA Novosti).
mass media, speech aggression, hate speech, expressive ethnonym, ethnophaulism, news report, counter-text
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