Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
This article provides a comprehensive analysis of key issues related to employment and job placement at the present stage. Particular attention is paid to summarizing federal and regional regulatory legal acts aimed at supporting employment of the population. The study presents current statistical data reflecting the unemployment rate and the effectiveness of government support measures in the field of employment. Additionally, the article considers opportunities to reduce tensions in the labor market, which is especially important in the context of dynamic economic changes. Particular attention is paid to factors hindering the improvement of the quality of labor resources, including short-comings in the education system, demographic challenges, as well as technological transformations that change the structure of demand for labor resources. Particular emphasis is placed on the issues of professional retraining and advanced training as one of the mechanisms for adapting labor force to new conditions. The article also discusses the prospects for introducing innovative approaches to state employment policy, including programs for digitalization of the labor market and promotion of entrepreneurial activity, which can contribute to the creation of new jobs and reduce unemployment.
supply and demand in the labor market, employment problems, assistance to employment, unemployment rate, directions of social policy
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