Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Associate Professor)
Chehov, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The study analyzes the norms of Russian legislation on the subject of legal support for scientific activity, examines the problem of the lack of legal consolidation of the definition of "science" in the Russian Federation. The theoretical foundations of this concept and the formulation of the concept of "science" in other countries are given. It is pointed out that the lack of a uniform definition of science entails a number of problems, for example, when choosing projects and programs funded from the state budget, and, in general, complicates the work of scientists, which can lead to the loss of scientific personnel and the loss of opportunities for effective development of science in the country. In particular, this may make it difficult to assess the effectiveness of scientific research and development, as well as to monitor compliance with legislation in this area. Five author's approaches to the definition of the concept of "science" are proposed, which, after extensive discussion among scientists, jurists and the public, can be used to define the definition of "science" in the norms of Russian legislation. The proposed concepts reflect such vectors of scientific development as "the system of knowledge and innovation", "the process of interdisciplinary research", "the basis for sustainable development", "an instrument of international cooperation" and "a mechanism for technology transfer". The vector of science development as a "system of knowledge and innovation" has been chosen as a priority option.
science, definition, legislation, definition of the concept of "science", scientific policy, scientific research
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