Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article presents a comparative analysis of international models of financial support for families, maternity, paternity, and childhood. The study focuses on two primary models: the Bismarckian (Continental) and the Beveridgean (Anglo-Saxon). The principles, funding mechanisms, levels of social guarantees, and accessibility of social benefits within each model are analyzed, using examples from Germany, France, Scandinavian countries, the USA, Canada, and the UK. The differentiation of support measures based on factors such as the number of children, the child's age, family status, and parents' employment status is examined. Non-financial support instruments, including tax benefits and subsidies for housing, education, and healthcare, are also analyzed. The study identifies several problems in the legal regulation of this area, such as insufficient clarity of legal norms, inadequate assessment of family needs, and insufficient protection of vulnerable categories. The need to adapt international experience to the specifics of national contexts, including economic, demographic, and socio-cultural factors, is discussed. The article concludes that an effective family support system should comprise a complex of interconnected measures aimed at improving the living standards of families with children, strengthening the institution of the family, and ensuring sustainable demographic development.

family policy; social security; social welfare models; Bismarckian model; Beveridgean model; comparative law; demographic development
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