Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the urgent problem of ensuring corporate security in modern conditions. The author investigates various approaches in ensuring corporate security at the enterprise, focusing on social, technical and stakeholder, systemic and synergetic approaches. The analysis of existing practices and theoretical concepts helped to identify the main problems and trends of corporate security. The article presents the author's model of corporate security based on synergetic and systemic approaches. The model involves a comprehensive analysis of internal and external factors affecting the corporate security of the organization, as well as consideration of the interests of all stakeholders. The purpose of the article is to develop an integrated approach in ensuring corporate security. Methods. The article uses the literature review method to analyze existing research on corporate security. Also use comparative analysis to evaluate different approaches to corporate security such as statistical, economic-mathematical and risk-based methods. Results. The main conclusions of the study are that the importance of an integrated approach that takes into account the interests of stakeholders in ensuring corporate security has been determined. A systemic and synergetic approach combining systemic thinking and interaction is proposed to create a reliable system of corporate security.
corporate security, stakeholder approach, systemic approach, synergetic approach, risk management, enterprise security
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