Moscow, Russian Federation
The article discusses the use of unmanned aviation technologies, which are becoming increasingly popular today and are spreading in various fields such as environmental monitoring, geodesy, agriculture, land use, construction, transport, tourism, security, etc.. Therefore, it became necessary to train specialists at all levels. Unmanned aviation technologies can be successfully integrated into the educational process of a school. The study of unmanned technologies in a modern school has many positive aspects that can contribute to the development of students and prepare them for the future, stimulate the interest of the younger generation in modern technologies. At the same time, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles is associated with a number of problems and limitations, such as legal restrictions, privacy and data security issues, limited flight range and flight time, as well as the need for qualified specialists to manage and process data.
Geoinformation technologies; unmanned aerial vehicles; educational programs; additional education children
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4. Samyy podrobnyy globus Google Planeta Zemlya sayt (Data dostupa 29.06.2024)