Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The presented article is devoted to the analysis of the results of the researches, arranged and held in order to discover the origin, the background, the consequences and the reasons for either the corruption or the lobbism in the modern Denmark. The author is eager to elaborate an essential attempt to separate these two phenomena from each other, underlining those their features, which, on one hand, show their familiarity, and on the other hand, display the difference. In the article there is the information, which is dedicated to the research of the historical, social and the other preconditions for the corruptional — lobbist manifestations in Denmark. It is quite obvious to say that there is no any doubt about the interest towards the presented data of different techniques, used by the corruption and lobbism performers, for gaining their mercenary targets. The article is provided with the discussable conclusions, aimed to demonstrate an extremely sophisticated way of solving this social problem. Besides the said, in the article there is the information, taken from the Annual Anti-Corruption Report of the European Commission to the European Council and to the European Parliament, composed and delivered in 2014. Looking through this information, the readers can get acquainted with the comparative corruption rate analysis throughout all the European countries. In the article it is indicated what the average level of the corruption among all the civil servants in Europe is, especially in such spheres of activity, as: state power, business and local authorities. The author considers this phenomenon comparatively. Moreover, the author gives his own estimation and interpretation of the newly inserted terminology, which has become a part of a contemporary juridical lexicon. These new terms are: “Good-Doing Industry”, “Legal Lobbyism” and some others. The doctrinal viewpoints of the well-known scientists on corruption and lobbyism are also highlighted in the article.

Corruption, lobbism, criminal code, experience, civil servant, punishment, crime, violation, influence, performers, international institutions, target, aim, activity, money.

1. Peter Munk Christiansen and Hilmar Rommetvedt, From Corporatism to Lobbyism? Parliaments, Executives, and Organized Interests in Denmark and Norway, LOS-senter, Notat 9905 (1999).

2. Anne Skorkjær Binderkrantz, Peter Munk Christiansen and Helene Helboe Pedersen, Organisationer i politik (Organisations in Politics), 2014.

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