Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
One of the known methods of treatment of patients with atopic dermatitis is laser therapy, however, the task of improving the efficiency of this method is still relevant. The objective of this study was the evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment technique of patients with atopic dermatitis, including alternation in a day the intravenous laser light of blood by low-intensity laser radiation with a wave length of 365 nm and 525 nm (green spectrum). 37 patients with atopic dermatitis (10 women and 27 men) aged 18 to 56 years (the average age 36,2), having a disease duration of 17 to 54 years, were observed. In the complex of therapeutic measures of the main group the laser therapy was included. It is the original technique by means of laser therapeutic apparatus "Lasmik- VLOK" (Registration certificate № RZN 2014/1410 from 06.02.2014) with the laser emitting heads KLVLOK- 365-2 (for LUFOK®) and KL-VLOK-525-2 for intravenous laser light of blood. For this technique the disposable sterile lights KIVL -01 on TU 9444-005-72085060-2008 made in Research centre "Matrix" (Russia, Moscow) were used. It is shown that the combined intravenous laser light of blood with a wavelength of 365 nm (VLOK-365 or LUFOK®) and radiation with a wavelength of 525 nm (green spectrum, VLOK-525) in a day, 10 sessions in combined treatment of patients with atopic dermatitis – allows to achieve complete regression of all acute inflammatory symptoms of disease - erythema, papules, desquamation, excoriations in 87,5% of patients with moderate-severe disease (the average SCORAD index – 57,5±4,0) and to lower at 3,4 times the average SCORAD index (to 21,3±4,0) in patients with severe disease (initial value – 72,8±3,0) with an overall positive dynamics.

atopic dermatitis, laser therapy, intravenous laser light of blood.

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