This article explores the contemporary fundamentals of maritime navigation and the specific use of navigational equipment on vessels. It analyzes the primary shiphandling methods, including traditional approaches and the utilization of high-tech systems such as GNSS, AIS, ECDIS, radars, and echo sounders. Special attention is given to the integration of navigational systems to create a unified information environment that ensures the accuracy, reliability, and safety of maritime operations. Key issues related to the human factor, cyber threats, and the impact of external factors are described, as well as the prospects for the development of navigational equipment, including process automation and the implementation of artificial intelligence technologies. The article presents the results of an analysis of the effectiveness of modern technologies and the directions for their further development in the context of global shipping trends.
maritime navigation, navigational equipment, GNSS, AIS, ECDIS, shiphandling, automation, artificial intelligence, maritime safety, cyber threats, integration of navigational systems
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