Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article is dedicated to investigating the influence of weather conditions and sea currents on ship navigation, as well as analyzing methods and technologies aimed at enhancing the safety and efficiency of ship management. Key factors such as wind, waves, precipitation, and currents are examined for their effects on the stability, maneuverability, and speed of various types of vessels. Special attention is given to traditional tactical ship handling techniques, the application of modern navigation support systems including Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS), radar, satellite communication, and emerging methods based on machine learning and automation. Practical recommendations are provided for cargo, passenger, and fishing vessels, supported by examples of successful implementations. Directions for updating international maritime standards are proposed to minimize risks and optimize maritime transportation.

navigation, weather conditions, sea currents, ECDIS, radar, satellite communication, automation, traditional techniques, ship stability, maneuverability, navigation safety, international standards
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