Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Methods related to formation of management mechanisms for development of Central Asia countries’ transit economy in conditions of integration and instability have been considered in this paper. The transit economy is the business system in which the receipts from the transmission of energy, energy commodities, water resources, freight and passenger traffic through the country’s territory, as well as provision of transit services constitute a weighty part of the revenue for authorities, businesses and population in the territory, one of the foundations of their welfare. Development of cross-border transportation of goods and implementation of transport and transit potential of Russia and Central Asian countries can and should become a substantial income sources for business entities, all level budgets and population, as well as the engine for industrial and technological upgrading, institutional and organizational evolution for the economical systems of countries and integration associations. Market advantages and disadvantages of the main projects related to construction and modernization of communication lines in the region have been presented, prerequisites for creation of transport corridors’ crossing points and formation of transport and logistics centers (nodes) in the States’ territory have been revealed. It has been shown that although the Central Asia States are competing for the right to become such centers, their common interest is to maximize the use of all transport and transit potential of the region that provides the transit economy stability. Emphasis has been placed on the development of international transport corridor North — South, the conclusion of preference for the use of its new eastern branch passing along the route Uzen (Kazakhstan) — Gorgan (Iran) through the Turkmenistan territory has been justified.

formation of governance mechanisms, Central Asia Countries, transit economy, international transport corridors, innovation and investment development, modernization, high-tech, Eurasian Economic Union, integration, instability.

Продолжение. Начало см. № 3 (9)/1015. Исследование проведено при финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда (проект № 15-02-00481 а) и Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований (проект № 15-06-06939 а).


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