Dental treatment of a pregnant woman plays an important role in normal course of pregnancy and fetal development. It is proved that there is a relationship between the foci of chronic infection in the oral cavity and a chronic sepsis development of the fetus and the expectant mother. According to the order of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation from November 1, 2012 № 572н "On approval of the procedure of medical aid in the field of "Obstetrics and Gynecology" (except, the assisted reproductive technologies)", the dental examination of pregnant women is carried out 2 times during the entire pregnancy. Often pregnant women experience intense fear, excitement and tension before dental interventions, because of this, they can postpone the visit to the dentist that, in turn, will affect the deterioration of the oral cavity and cause exacerbation of chronic infection foci. In outpatient dental practice there are known pharmacological and psychological distress correction methods, their efficiency is proven by objective methods of research. However, the use of pharmacological agents during pregnancy is not always prescribed and secure, therefore, the authors justify the use of psychological distress correction methods, including cognitive behavioral methods of psychotherapy, the effectiveness of their application is impossible without taking into account individual characteristics. To develop a new method of anxiety correction before dental treatment, the authors took into account the temperament of a pregnant woman. To ensure a safe and effective dental treatment it requires using a distress correction and motivation’s formation for treatment adherence, including methods of behavioral psychotherapy. The effectiveness of the developed method is determined subjectively by testing the level of situational anxiety according to the scale Spielberg-Hanin. It is found that the use of this method increases the safety of dental treatment for the pregnant woman and the unborn child. This article presents the results of the developed psychological distress correction method for pregnant woman before dental interventions.
pregnancy, distress, psychological characteristics of pregnant women, psycho-emotional correction, dental diseases during pregnancy, dental health of pregnant woman, behavioral methods of psychotherapy.
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