Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Prescription of antibacterial drugs for patients after operation of dental implantation remains the main method of prevention of postoperative complications. Despite the correct the postoperative period, these drugs have several side effects, and in some cases the use of antibiotics is contraindicated due to the presence of allergic reactions. The study involved 20 patients of different ages (from 25 to 70 years) without the comorbidity or at the stage its compensation accompanied allergic history and of odontogenic infection foci. Dental implantation was carried out due to the complete or partial absence of teeth. In the postoperative period antibiotic therapy and modern herbal drugs were prescribed to patients. The modern herbal drugs were the "Tonzinal" and the plates «ЦМ-1», consisting of medicinal plant extracts obtained using innovative technologies that allow to select targeted water-soluble therapeutic substances at the molecular level. The study consists of evaluation the dynamics of subjective feelings of patients, clinical healing, as well as the degree of contamination of the wound pathogenic microflora. In the early postoperative period after dental implantation, the healing occurred by primary intention, without dehiscence and inflammation in patients of both groups (in the first – antibiotics therapy, in the second - application of modern herbal drugs). The analysis of microbiological studies in patients of both groups proved the reduction in the degree of contamination of the wound surface by opportunistic pathogens. The results defined high efficiency of modern herbal drugs.
dental implantation, postoperative period, prevention of complications, antibiotics, herbal products, plate ЦМ-1, the Tonzinal, opportunistic pathogens, phytotherapy.
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