Ponomarev Dmitriy

Birth place
Izhevsk, Udmurtskaya Republic
Academic degree
candidate of technical sciences (speciality - VAC 05.13.01 Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации (по отраслям))
  1. Federal State Institution Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia , Branch (Izhevsk) Federal State Institution Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia , Leading Researcher ,
  2. Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University , Department "Water supply and water treatment", Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University. , assistant professor ,
Scientific interests
GRNTI 28.29 Системный анализ
VAC 05.13.01 Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации (по отраслям)
Izhevsk, Izhevsk, Russian Federation
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