Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose of the study. To test the functional associations of polymorphic variants of genes in the regulation of blood pressure and vascular tone in employees of the ISC SB RAS. Materials and methods. The study involved patients, employees of the ISC SB RAS, being under care of the outpatient clinic of the Hospital of the ISC SB RAS. During routine laboratory testing the patients were taken 2 ml of blood for genetic analysis and further molecular genetic study on “Hypertension”, “Endothelial dysfunction”, “Pharmacogenetics”, “Inflammatory response” panels. Results. In the analysis of 12 genes coding for key proteins of hormonal enzyme blood pressure regulation systems, polymorphism of CYP11B2 showed statistically significant correlation with the presence of arterial hypertension, which makes its further study promising. The presence of allele C showed protective significance in relation to the development of hypertension with OR = 0,247. When checking associations of functional polymorphic variants of genes, the products of which are involved in the regulation of vascular tone, with hypertension in patients younger than 50 years old we found association of T/T rs5443GNB3 genotype with the debut of hypertensive disease under the age of 50. The data obtained allow the doctor to choose the most personalized and effective safe drug from certain groups, as well as its dose for employees having passed molecular genetic testing. These data can reveal predisposition to the most widespread and socially significant diseases in the surveyed subjects and provide specific personalized recommendations for the prevention of these diseases.

personalized medicine, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, genetic predisposition, pharmacogenetics, r esearch of ficers

Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания (ССЗ) являются основной причиной смерти во всём мире: ни от какой другой причины ежегодно не умирает столько людей, сколько от ССЗ [1]: ежегодно от ССЗ умирают 17,3 млн человек, что составляет 30 % всех случаев смерти в мире [2]. Из этого числа 7,3 млн человек умирают от ишемической болезни сердца (ИБС) и 6,2 млн – в результате инсульта [2, 3]. К 2030 г. около 23,3 млн человек умрут от ССЗ – главным образом, от болезней сердца и инсульта, которые, по прогнозам, останутся единственными основными причинами смерти [1, 4].


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