Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
On the basis of the theorem on active two-terminal network a mathematical model for the inductive-capacitive Converter (IEP) - based coil-capacitor (katana). This article defines the expressions for finding the input resistance and no-load voltage. The connection between the idling voltage of the device, the supply voltage and the quality of the oscillating circuit is established. For the physical model, a comparison with the calculated values of the no-load voltage, input resistances and resonant frequencies is made, confirming the adequacy of the mathematical model. Frequency and load characteristics of the physical model of IEP are constructed. It is shown that the EEP on the basis of the cation can be effectively used in various electrical devices.

coil-capacitor, coil, inductor-capacitive Converter, mathematical model, nonlinear circuit with distributed parameters, the method of active bipolar

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